Education Fund
The education fund was designed to offset the current cost of educating the children. There is a major cost involved in providing the children with their own school that is able to meet their needs. Many of the children have special learning needs that cannot be addressed in the public school program. Niños de México also provides support for our older children that desire to further their education by attending the Universities or vocational schools.
Medical Fund
The Medical fund was designed to offset the cost of much-needed medical care for our children, staff, and the mobile medical clinic in Chilapa. Many churches and individuals, especially doctors, have chosen to support Niños de México specifically in the area of medicine. By sending money for the medical fund, it “frees” up general fund monies to be used elsewhere.
Church Planting Fund
Niños de México has implemented a church planting ministry. The planting ministry fund is designed to offset the cost of supporting the ministers from general funds. The purpose of Niños is to evangelize Mexico. The method is in training and equipping abandoned, abused, or orphaned children to evangelize their culture. Many of Niños’ children have wanted to be preachers and teachers or to plant churches where there are none. Sometimes the churches do not pay enough to support a minister and his family. Many of the preachers in Mexico must have another job or means of support. So, Niños has decided to help our alumni or others get started in a preaching ministry or to plant churches in areas where there are no Christian churches. Currently, Niños supports Jorge Martínez as the minister of the Christian church in Chilapa, Puebla, Mexico.
Vehicle Fund
The vehicle fund was designed to be used to purchase new or newer vehicles, specifically vans, for the ministry of Niños de México. Currently, Niños has six children’s homes with each having between 12 and 16 children. Many churches and individuals have donated to the vehicle fund over the years and we were recently able to purchase newer vans for each of our children’s homes.